International cooperation
The National Paying Agency‘s (NPA) goals and objectives related to international cooperation, are integral with the general objectives of foreign policy and long-term state development strategy: to promote cooperation in the region and abroad, to become an effective member of the EU, to strengthen worldwide the authority of Lithuania, to spread the values of democracy, tolerance and dialogue.
NPA is actively involved in achieving the above objectives.
Participation in international events:
- EU Paying Agencies Directors’ conferences. Events take place twice a year, in spring and autumn.
- MARS conferences. Annual meetings are designated for specialists responsible for control related to implementation of EU-supported projects, for supervision of implementing undertaken commitments.
- AMADEUS conferences. Annual meetings of the EU Paying Agencies representatives, responsible for internal audit issues.
- Panta Rhei conferences. Events take place twice a year, in spring and autumn. They are for specialists dealing with information technologies, aiming at further IT development, strengthening information security, adapting to new requirements.
- Baltic-Polish Paying Agencies’ conferences. These are annual events taking place in turn in one of the following countries: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Poland. Objective of the meetings – sharing good practices, exchanging experience on daily issues of the EU support administration.
- Learning Network meetings. LN, being a basis for cooperation between EU Paying Agencies’ Directors, with several meetings a year, is a platform for day-to-day networking via website on issues related to simplification of administration processes, reducing work load, introduction of e-services.
Implementation of international projects:
- 2010 EU Twinning Light project "Strengthening the administrative capacity of the Bulgarian Paying Agency for the milk sector to successfully implement the milk quota trading system".
- 2011 Nordic Council funds – Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme: Strengthening Administrative Capacities of Lithuanian and Nordic Paying Agencies. (Paying Agencies in Sweden and Finland).
- 2012 bilateral project No.2012-VB-MD-0015 between Lithuania and Moldova „Strengthening administrative capacities of the Moldovan Paying Agency – optimisation of institutional activities by reorganisation of regional offices“, funded by the Development Cooperation and Democracy Promotion Programme of the Republic of Lithuania.
- 2013 bilateral project No. 2013-VB-UA-0019 between Lithuania and Ukraine “Transfer of Lithuanian experience as to introduction in Ukraine of efficient administrative control system of national support for agriculture and rural development in accordance with the EU requirements“, funded by the Development Cooperation and Democracy Promotion Programme of the Republic of Lithuania.
- 2013–2015 EU Twinning Project No. MN 11 IB AG 01 “Strengthening Rural Development Programme under IPARD in Montenegro”.
- 2014 bilateral project No. P2014-VB-UA-0011 between Lithuania and Ukraine “Strengthening capacities in the area of agricultural policy in Ukraine”, funded by the Development Cooperation and Democracy Promotion Programme of the Republic of Lithuania.
- 2015 bilateral project No. P2015-VB-UA-003 between Lithuania and Ukraine “Strengthening capacities in the area of agricultural policy in Ukraine”, funded by the Development Cooperation and Democracy Promotion Programme of the Republic of Lithuania.
- 2016–2017 EC technical assistance project EuropeAid/136256/DH/SER/AZ “Support to E-Agriculture in Azerbaijan: innovative and effective agricultural policy management for higher productivity and competitiveness”.
- 2016–2017 EC Twinning Light Project in Macedonia “Strengthening the capacities of the national authorities for sound and efficient management of EU Funds, as well as in view of the new EU Regulation for the 2014-2020". Project is implemented by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania, Central Project Management Agency and the NPA.
- 2016–2017 EC project SafeNet in accordance with the EC OLAF Hercules III programme.
- 2016–2018 EC programme “Horizon 2020” – project RECAP “PeRsonalised public sErvices in support of the implementation of the CAP“.
- 2017–2020 ESA (European Space Agency) project Sen4CAP.
- 2018 International IACS Study “Analysis of Administrative Burden Arising from the CAP”, with the participation of 12 EU member states, including Lithuania.
- 2018–2022 EU INTERREG Europe programme – project Agrirenaissance “Innovation-driven agri-food sectors for European industrial renaissance”.
- 2018–2020 EC programme “Horizon 2020” – project EO4AGRI “Bringing together the Knowledge for Better Agriculture Monitoring“.
- 2019–2020 “CAPCON – CAP subsidies control service based on multi-sensor tracking of farming activities”, ESA programme.
- 2019–2020 “Sentinel satellite image processing”, ESA PECS programme.
- 2019–2022 EU CEF funding instrument-supported project No. 2018-EU-IA-0086 Open IACS “Open LOD platform based on HPC capabilities for Integrated Administration of Common Agriculture Policy“. The project is implemented by the NPA from Lithuania, in consortium with Spain, Italy, Greece and Poland. Open IACS project focuses on public open data, with the objective to support the generation, aggregation and cross-border reuse of public open data sets, increase the capabilities of HPC and of the data of the European data infrastructure, and promote the use of HPC and data across borders in the public interest.
- 2019-2022 EC programme “Horizon 2020” – project NIVA “New IACS Vision in Action”.
- 2020-2022 EC programme “Horizon 2020” – project DIONE “An integrated EO-based toolbox for modernising CAP area-based compliance checks and assessing respective environmental impact”. More information here, video about project here.
2020-2022 EC programme “Horizon 2020” – project ENVISION ”Monitoring of environmental practices for sustainable agriculture supported by Earth observation“. ENVISION aims to fulfil the need for continuous and systematic monitoring of agricultural land, shifting the focus from fragmented monitoring limited to specific fields and dates (or time windows) to territory-wide and all-year-round monitoring. For more information please visit the ENVISION project website:
2020–2027 The EU LIFE programme project “Optimisation of NATURA network in Lithuania“ implemented by the Environmental Projects Management Agency with the involvement of the NPA as of 2020-01-01. The Integrated Nature-related Project is intended for implementation of the Priority Action Framework, a national strategy document for Natura 2000 sites. Project objective: specification of conservation objectives for Natura 2000 network sites at national and individual site level, in accordance with the established favourable criteria of the conservation status for habitats and species of the Community interest.
2021–2023 ESA (European Space Agency) project EO-Widget (ESA Incubed EO widget).
2021-2024 EC programme Horizon 2020 – project EIFFEL “Revealing the role of GEOSS as the default digital portal for building climate adaptation and mitigation applications”. EIFFEL will exploit the untapped potential of available GEOSS datasets, i.e. satellite, in-situ, modelling, crowdsourced, by creating AI-based cognitive search tools. Added-value services interoperable with GEOSS will be designed, using cognitive search and metadata augmentation tools based on Artificial Intelligence, including Natural Language Processing. More information...
2022-2024 EU Twinning project "Strengthening and adaptation of administrative capacities for the introduction of the Organization of Agricultural Markets" SR 18 IPA AG 01 21 in the Republic of Serbia.
Cooperation with foreign countries
NPA maintains close business relationship with quite a few EU Member States (Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Czech Republic, France, Romania, Slovenia, Finland, and Holland). Cooperation is on-going with the Eastern Partnership countries (Belarus, Moldova), with the EU candidate countries (Montenegro, Albania, Serbia, Turkey). NPA concluded bilateral cooperation agreements with the paying agencies in Croatia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova, Poland. A Trilateral Agreement between the Polish Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture, the Ukrainian State Farmers Support Fund and the NPA was concluded. Cooperation Agreement has been signed with the Agricultural and Rural Development Support Institution (Paying Agency) in Turkey.
Collaboration comprises study visits, implementation of joint projects, workshops.
Contacts of international relations team:
Blindžių g. 17, LT-08111 Vilnius
Salomėja Rybokienė, Chief Specialist of Strategic Planning and Project Unit of Strategic Management Department
Alfonsas Malonaitis, Chief Specialist of Strategic Planning and Project Unit of Strategic Management Department
| telephone +370 5 252 6739, fax +370 5 252 6945, E-mail [email protected]
telephone +370 5 252 6854, fax +370 5 252 6945, E-mail [email protected] |