
NPA expertise for accelerating the Moldovan Eurointegration process

As of spring 2023 the National Paying Agency (NPA) implemens the project Agriculture and rural development in Moldova and Georgia – strengthening administrative and institutional capacities in the field of European integration”. The project is financed by the Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid Fund. Project partners in Moldova include the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry (MAFI) and the Moldovan Agency for Interventions and Payments in Agriculture (AIPA).  As of May 2023 expert missions from NPA are taking place in Chisinau, Moldova. During the missions, NPA representatives share experience with their colleagues on various topics relevant to Moldova to speed up the eurointegration process.

Three missions of the Lithuanian experts from the National Paying Agency have already taken place in Chisinau.  These were the working visits to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry (MAFI) as well as to the Agency for Interventions and Payments in Agricultural (AIPA) in Chisinau, focusing on evaluating the existing regulatory framework in Moldova, the agri-food sector, the rural development and environment, on risk assessment and fraud prevention issues in line with the EU regulations and Common Agricultural  Policy (CAP) reform. In parallel, the working meetings targeted at the gaps and problems, faced by MAFI and AIPA, the Lithuanian experts proposed a series of solutions, recommendations to speed up the accession process of Moldova.

Three more missions to MAFI and AIPA will be organised within the scope of the project; they will cover  topics on strategic planning and reporting, sharing experience on mandatory IT systems, data bases and registers; on-the-spot checks and monitoring issues following the CAP requirements.