
Launch of EU Interreg Europe Programme EAGER project

The kick-off meeting of the European Union (EU) Interreg Europe Programme-funded project EAGER, "Easing AGrophotovoltaics for EuRope", took place in Germany at the end of April 2024. The aim of the project is to share good practices between the EU countries in order to improve various policy instruments and to facilitate the deployment of solar photovoltaics (PV) in agriculture in Europe.

The project is implemented by a consortium of 14 partners from 9 countries: Germany (Bavaria region), Spain (Palencia region), Belgium (Flemish Brabant region), Italy (Bologna region), Lithuania, Poland (Podkarpackie region), Bulgaria (Strelcha region), Ukraine (Zakarpatia region) and Serbia (Voivodina region). Lithuania in this project is represented by the Lithuanian Innovation Centre (LIC) and the National Paying Agency (NPA).

During the meeting, which also took place remotely, the project coordinators (Germany) gave a brief overview of the project, the consortium partners presented their regions, the related strategic documents and other policy instruments, shared insights into the project implementation. Project partners discussed the work to be done in the near future, agreed on the study visits plan of the project. The meeting focused also on the publicity of the project activities and the planned audit.

The use of solar power plants in agriculture offers significant savings in energy and territorial resources, contributing to the economic development of the regions and it is therefore essential to facilitate the deployment of this technology at European level. The project duration is four years. During the first three years of the project, the consortium partners will share best practices, develop relevant methodological guidelines and recommendations, will also share examples of good practices. Relevant regional studies will be prepared and the results of comparative studies on the current situation in the partner countries will be presented. During the first phase of the project, study visits will be organized in the partner countries to get a first-hand experience of the partners' achievements in this field. In this way, the partners will be able to benefit from good practices of other regions and apply them in their own countries. Three co-coaching partnerships will be organized at consortium level, which will make the process of learning and transferring good practices easier and faster. The good practices will be used to influence policy makers at both local and national level and to accelerate the deployment of solar PV in agriculture. In the final phase of the project, webinars will be organized to improve policy instruments and ensure dialogue with relevant authorities.

The first study visit under the Interreg Europe EAGER project will take place in Lithuania in October 2024. More information about the project you can find here.