
Dialogue of the Baltic countries’ paying agencies continues

At the end of February the National Paying Agency (NPA) received guests from the Latvian Rural Support Service (RRS). Sharing experiences helps paying agencies of both countries to improve their activities, to further develop support administration system, communication tools, and implement innovations.

During the meeting, issues relevant to both Latvian and Lithuanian paying agencies were discussed, including rural development measures, direct payments, communication with clients.

Among the topical issues is the application of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in the paying agencies’ daily activities. These tools can facilitate support administration processes, and also simplify and diversify communication.

The new programming period is another important issue for both agencies. The change in the payment system of direct payments, new rural development measures are currently posing a number of challenges in both Lithuania and Latvia. The goal of paying agencies of both countries is common – simpler work processes for employees, faster disbursement of support to farmers.

Such meetings between colleagues of neighbouring countries already became a tradition.

Cooperation between paying agencies of different countries is one of the means contributing to smooth and efficient implementation of support measures for agriculture and rural development.